We enter a room with shiny metal sinks that smell of fish blood and ice. There are two things to note here. The first is the drawing of the characters. To be realistic, the journalist must draw a portrait of the character in a few strokes.

Whether it is a description of speech, gait or gaze, it does not matter. Here we see Tatyana Nikolaevna, who speaks with a “booming voice”, who “rattles” (a word she refers to several times in the text), who “pushes herself from the table”, apparently, she is a heavy woman. But Irina Vladimirovna has an “impenetrable face. The second point is connected with the peculiarities of the genre.

Reportage differs from any other type of article in that it creates the strongest effect of presence. This is largely achieved by describing the details. In particular, “the room smells of fish blood and ice.”
One more step
In terms of composition, this allows the journalist and completely change the topic of conversation. One meaningful block ends and a new one begins. After putting a plate of buckwheat, coleslaw and two compotes on a tray, I sit down at one table with Galina Sergeyevna and Alena. At the opposite end of the hall, where the wall-pictures depicting the iron and steel works, Tatiana Nikolayevna is having lunch.

She sits alone at the table. Her glass of compote is swatted with a puffy crust. We eat silently and quickly. – Galina Sergeyevna asks in a whisper, and I nod my head affirmatively. – Come on! – She says. – Why do you need it? Do I not look like a person who wants to work? – I ask reproachfully, putting the empty glasses on the tray. – Galina Sergeyevna grins. – Well, not really… “I have to invent a legend,” I decide to myself.

Report from the scene: an interesting holiday and an example of how I do
Preparing to write Examples that will help you understand how to write a reportage, you can take from articles or newspapers, thematic blogs. Try taking notes from journalists of central TV channels, make a list of template phrases and edit what you hear. Participate in competitions and master classes, learn and improve every day; Find a topic that will interest you.
Don’t think that only those who cover popular events, famous people or hot-button issues can succeed. Most interesting stories are all around us every day, and only someone who is willing to listen to outsiders and follow closely can find material for a fascinating article that will be read by millions.


How to write a topical story? First we should understand what falls under the key category of this concept? Relevance is the significance of something in the current situation. According to the definition, such reporting covers the events “of the day” that occurred the evening before or immediately on the day of creation of the material. The main thing is timeliness. The author does not yet have time to assess the situation and form his own opinion, but he needs to cover what has happened.

To do this, it is necessary to have a large list of contacts in which to find someone from whom you can immediately take a comment and find out the details. The journalist must quickly find answers to many questions in order to produce an up-to-date report. Example: what happened, where, when, with whom, why, and what will be the possible consequences? Although speed and pressure are off the charts in such situations, you need to prepare the publication promptly.
How do you write a report?
You must have been offended by someone … – And what about yourself? – She asks. Her silence in the cramped room swells up like a helium balloon, ready to burst at any moment. I take a tube from the tray and shove the nozzle into its wide mouth.

I squeeze. Anastasia grins, looking at me the way an elephant might look at a small dog.I take my dumpling. My hole is long. Before I pinch its edges, I mercilessly press my finger on its belly in the middle, piercing almost to the back. But my hole, which could have made it big and round, just gets deep, and this way I seal it completely.

There is almost no gap in my dumpling.- Unkind, huh? – Anastasia asks.- Well, you’re kinder than I am – I laugh.- Oh, but I’m not good, – shook his head Anastasia. There are three indispensable components to a reportage: the hero(s), the journalist and the setting.


The journalist may not have been frightened by the saw, but she is describing her fright as the supposed reaction of the average person. This is the splicing that makes a lasting difference. The journalist and the reader become one for the duration of the immersion in the reportage and this gives the correspondent control over the opinion and mood of the reader. The journalist puts the reader on like a glove, does what he or she wants with him or her – walks the reader through such stories, conclusions and facts as to eventually lead to a conclusion that the reader will accept as his or her own.

Subsequently, I will elaborate on this theme. I take the foot with both hands, bring it to the saw. And so leg by leg. Sometimes I look at the round wall clock. It’s five o’clock before dinner. Girls, dumplings! Dumplings! – Anastasia calls out, clapping her hands. Five women surround a large table. Flourous hands simultaneously reach for the trays, take dumplings and pinched the edges.

How to write a reportage sample student
In doing so, the event itself, whose description is the purpose of the reportage, recedes into the background. The reader, who expected to know details about the past event, will be deceived in his expectations, disappointed and, most likely, will not even read the text to the end. After all, who cares how Masha N. ate breakfast or how Katya and Nastya rode the bus? To avoid this mistake, before sitting down to write a story and even before collecting information and directly observing the event, a novice journalist should ask himself or herself the following questions “Why am I writing this report? Who will read it? What do I want to tell the reader?” And if you don’t care if your text is read or not, forget about journalism. Write for the record. For posterity. Maybe they will understand and appreciate it.